Canopus Onyxsea’s Ordo Compendio

In this compendium I will attempt to consolidate the most prodigious and influential Orders of our past and present times. While the Crown, may it long reign and protect us all, is our most important lineage, the many guilds and organizations that have been built around it have proven just as emblematic and influential to our daily lives.

The Aegis of Mankind

The Aegis of Mankind

The fall of Paladius created a vacuum which the Zoniran Church was quick to fill. The Ashuran Knighthood was granted the lands and powers once enjoyed by the Order of Paladius. Carrying their signature Aegis shields which are each engraved with the Seal of Balis, the Ashurans gained fame by defeating the Kragten menace.

The swords of the Zenthien Church, the Ashurans have grown powerful in the many nations which have converted to Zonirism and have claimed the mythic status once held by the Paladins. Like their predecessors, they enjoy immunity from man’s laws and can be judged only by the Holy Church.

Their mission is as singular in purpose as that of their Church - to convert all heathens to the righteous Path of Amounting. They will only assist those who claim the Zoniran Faith as their own or are willing to pay for the Ashuran’s protection and services, with conversion.

Halls of Testament

Divided into three branches, the Hall of Testament is told to be as old as the written word itself. They have transcribed every law man has ever made and faithfully enforced its adherence. They are a pillar of unshakable order in a world otherwise ruled by the changing tides of time.

Sacred Parliament

The Lord Magistrate sits at the right of every monarch in where the Rule of Law is held. It is not the Magistrate’s duty to create law, but to enforce it. For this purpose there is a Magistrate in every major population across every human territory. When the population is too large for a single Magistrate to administer, these in turn employ an Arbiter’s Court. Arbiters assist the Magistrate in the legal administration of large townships and cities. The Magistrate also administers organizations that serve the crown directly, such as the Way Seeker’s Guild, the Head Hunter’s Lodge, and the Fraternity of Collections, among others.

The Office of the Inquisition

The office of the Inquisition is taxed with the finding and eliminating of any threat posed by the ever insidious Vorx. Granted nearly unimpeachable power by the Hall of Testament, the Inquisition actively seek out practitioners of vorxcraft and heretical scriptures. They cleanse the world of those unfortunates tainted by the Vorx and are trained to confront vorxspawn when encountered. Their work is subtle and many times goes unseen. Heretics are known to cease activity completely if an Inquisitor is discovered sniffing about. If the necessity arises, an Inquisitor’s powers of dominion allow them to take legal control over the administrative and military forces of any land they work in, but such powers are rarely utilized. In larger cities, Inquisitors are placed in charge of the Order of Hammers.

The Order of Hammers

Led by a commander known as The Anvil, the Hammers are ordained Knights of the Inquisition. The chances of the Vorx infecting a population grows with its size. For this purpose, the Hammers are vowed to defend the people from its influence. They are held by a strict code of ethics. They relinquish all titles and claims to land. They take a vow of chastity and one of poverty. They are recognized by their black tunics which display three crossed white stakes, and by the three iron stakes and forger’s hammer they carry on their belts at all times. When a Hammer finds an unfortunate possessed by the malice of the Vorx, they expel the spirit by hammering their blessed stakes into the person’s head. Two for the eyes, one for the mouth.

Academy of Alchemy

Ratified after the end of the Kragten War, the newly reformed Academy of Alchemy is an independent Order under the supervision of the Office of the Inquisition. There have been numerous checks put in place to ensure that the horrors committed by the Neterian faithful are never repeated. The Kaltan Treaty specifically limits the use of shinn in alchemy and dictates that all new formulas involving shinn must be approved by the Academy Masters and signed off by an Inquisitor. All alchemists must be registered with the Academy and are subject to inspection by the Order of Hammers at any time. Failure to follow the specifics of the Kaltan Treaty can be very dangerous. Alchemists found practicing alchemy outside this accord are considered Apostate, a threat to the peace, and subject to the judgment of the Order of Hammers.

The Gardeners

Colloquially known as “Vorx Rakes” or simply “Rakes”, these individuals strive to end small threats by the Vorx before they become a problem for the Holy Inquisition. The Vorx is known to work insidiously, corrupting the meek and unsuspecting, staying out of sight until it gains a foothold on our world. The Gardeners are granted leave to practice certain methods considered occultism by the Inquisition, so they might combat these minor incursions. They are the first line of defense against the Vorx, working individually or with an apprentice.

The Mastiffs of Rashnal

A corps created for the sole purpose of hunting down the followers of Neteri who fled after their faith and all of its components were deemed heretical. In the overture of the Neterian Purge, Testament’s Hammers and Calusian Paladins were charged with this task, but they proved no match for Cala-Neteri’s forces.

The Mastiffs were said to be altered through sacred rituals, transformed into living weapons capable of overtaking even the dreaded Wyrvens. They were granted political autonomy by Parliament, making them invulnerable to local law, and had the wealth of Calusian coffers to back them.

The dreaded “Hellhounds” as the Neterians knew them, were merciless in the face of heresy. The guilty and innocent alike were fearful in their presence.

The Range Seekers

A mercenary group who proved indispensable to Queen Aviedeen during the Greenfire War. Known in every other country as Royal Rangers, Queen Aviedeen of Tepley found the name distasteful and changed their title upon their official ratification. Range Seekers perform various duties for the Crown such as long distance reconnaissance, protection of the Queen’s forests from poachers, defense of her royal convoys from bandits, exploration, and purveyance.

Copper Hawks

Copper Hawks are found anywhere money is available and steel is required. The Guild was formed to create a sense of security among the common folk, who wished to hire mercenaries without fear of being robbed or assaulted by those very sell-swords — a common event before the creation of the Guild.

Copper Hawk Lodges can be found in every mayor city in Obsal, working as hubs for mercenaries to find work protecting merchant caravans, escorting important figures, hunting down highwaymen, or any other number of odd jobs.

Known by some as “guild-swords”, they demand a higher price than one might pay for a lone sell-sword or a small band of local muscle, but their codes guarantee them as the safest and most effective alternative.