A little backstory

When I realized the scope of my dream, it freaked me out. However, one small step at a time, I'm getting closer than ever to achieving this far-off goal.
When I was 13 I started writing about this far away land in a school notebook. Like anything at first, it was fairly vague and borrowing heavily from the books I was reading at the time. (Mostly Stephen King horror and TSR fantasy)
I wrote about strange places and the people who dared explore them. I wrote about the towns they would return home to, although not everyone would make it back. As the stories piled up, the world grew.
Then Dungeons and Dragons came into my life. I want to take a moment to blame/thank my good friend Carlos Londono for introducing me to this fantastic game. Check him out at http://theemeraldforge.com .He’s going to be a famous actor/writer/director one day, mark my words.

Anyway, I played a few sessions with friends and was immediately hooked. Before long I was the group DM and of course, I placed my campaign in the very world I had been building since I was a kid. Needless to say, Darbretora, the world I knew only from my own stories, took on a life of its own. The campaign lasted 10 years.
In that time I taught myself how to write stories properly, and began what I considered to be my first step in sharing my world with a larger audience.
I have recently published my first novel. The Horn of Dawn. Book 1, which takes place in this enigmatic world of mine. I am very proud of my work, and hope it does well. I bled on those pages, but as I said before, that was only the first step.
The second book is already in the works, but aside from that, I am building this website which contains everything referenced in the novels. The ancient history, current nations, pantheons, and important Ordos (pertaining to the story as it progresses) are all there. I will be adding to this site periodically, and posting all updates here, for anyone interested in reading.

If you do want to have a look around, I suggest reading the Introduction first.