A Tribute to Inspiration

Inspiration floats around in many forms. Sometimes it’s a little thing — a feeling you get in the least expected of moments. Sometimes it’s life slapping you dead in the face, filling you with so much emotion you cannot help but write it down, draw it, snap it, or dance it into life.

But to find perpetual inspiration, one has but to look around, at the people in your life striving for their own goals, doing the things they love, neck deep in the heart-breaking grind that is the creative process. I have been fortunate to meet many such people over the years.

I’ve compiled a few of them and given them their own corner on my site, as a small thank you and tribute. Sometimes watching someone actually do the thing, really go for it, teeth and butt clenched tight, is spark enough to slap yourself out of complacency and go do the thing yourself.

Click on Portals of Interest above to see the list.

If you read this and your name is on my page, thanks for doing what you do. If you rather I use a different link for you or not have you on the page at all, just shoot me a message, no worries.

If you have something going on that I don’t know about, and would like to be added to the page, by all means let me know. My page is in no way a social hub, mind you. I don’t get much traffic, but it’s a little something I can do, and I do it gladly.