If you can't fucking beat them.... #hashtagpocolips

It has been recently proven to me that I am being stubborn. (who knew) I’ve always had a sour place in my heart for hashtags. I’ve not been silent on the matter. People placing 29 irrelevant hashtags on a photo of their spaghetti lunch makes my eyes do cartwheels.

And yet here I am, realizing the power of the tool I’ve denied myself for sticking hard to a misguided principle. I fell into the trap of judgement, and as judgement tends to, it came back to bite me in the ass. Who am I to say what posts are worth a hashtagpocolips.


So putting my former reservations and stubborn quandary aside, I will be tagging….everything, from now on. Not redundantly, I still can’t make myself do that, but considering how much content I have posted, I have my work cut out for me.